Jul 17, 2013

Management Reporter 2012 - How to Clear Report Queue?

It is often noted that after generating report Management Reporter 2012 keeps the logs of the same and during the course these are piled up and at time you need to clear these report queues, below steps will help you to clear the queues.
  1. Log in to SQL Management Studio with admin privilege.

  2. Run the below script against Management Reporter Database
    USE ManagementReporter
    DELETE RepositoryMessage

  3. Open Management Reporter and Check if this has cleared all the Report Queue.
    Tools >> Report Queue Status.


Unknown said...

Very useful information about queue management solutions. Please update frequently with lot of information.

Anonymous said...

Really informative and nice post.Thanks for the clear <a href="http://www.qtechqueueingsystem.com/:>
report queue</a> information.

Dhess said...

Excellent! Thank you. Now if I could only find a way to delete the old report versions without manually doing it, I'd be all set.